Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Dear R. Abbi -

How much does it bother you when Christians quote the New Testament to you? We've seen Jews in conversations when this happens explain they don't adhere to the New Testament and don't find it authoritative anymore than most Christians look to the Apocrypha for guidance. But we have Jewish friends who remind us that the majority of the NT (New Testament) is quoting the Torah (Old Testament) anyway so they don't get too annoyed -- except for that Yoshea-is-the-Messiah thing. What say you?


Dear NT2Jew,

What a wonderful question.

Let me answer it with another question, "Why should I be offended or bothered?"

I think we as religious people need to keep our eyes on the prize, so to speak.

Differences in what we call our Holy Books (whether you call it "The Gospel," "The Talmud," or "The Qur’an") or what words are contained in each don't really matter when you keep your focus on the greater goal: to live a life in concert with (the) God (of our understanding).

Us and them is a wonderful way to establish a false sense of self. Moreover, it separates us from each other. The goal, when you really think about it, isn't to be a part from, it's being a part of.

With regard to that "Yoshea-is-the-Messiah thing," I know of Christians who don't believe this and Jews who do. To me, it's about the goal . . . love, feeling satisfied, peace-filled, etc.

With eyes on the prize –

R. Abbi

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